
This is my fourth trip to Singapore but my first as a tourist and the first with my family. We have been here since Saturday am and have covered a ton of ground. One thing about us is that we do move and don’t do a lot of idle time. There’s so much to like about Singapore but for me, food is at the top of the list, particularly the “street” food otherwise known here as the hawker markets. Of all the different options I think my personal favorite is the very simple but incredibly delicious chicken rice. My favorite place is Tian Tian, which was made famous by the late Anthony Bourdain and is located near our office here.

Other activities included a trip to the National Museum; a night ride on the enormous Ferris wheel; a visit to the local market where we sampled small and large intestine (kind of gross) three bus tours of the city (including a accident which is a story for another day); a visit to the botanical gardens (a UNESCO Heritage site); Christmas Eve with a colleague and her family and friends and more. Love this city and love the people.

We have one more full day here and then off to Vietnam.

First Up: Napa Marathon

I’m not quite ready to give up on my personal vision quest to qualify for Boston. I felt like it was definitely within reach at Madison, and I think under the right conditions I can find my elusive five minutes. So, to that end, I’ve signed up for the Napa Marathon in early March, which is fairly flat and fast. I’ve been continuing with my Tuesday track sessions and once I get back from a three week jaunt to Asia (pictures to follow) I will dial in the mileage.

After some consideration I think I am going to get a pair of the much ballyhooed Nike Vaporfly’s, too. I never thought I’d spend $250 on a pair of running shoes, simply out of principal, but literally everyone who I’ve spoken with says that they are fast as advertised and worth the investment, particularly if I am hunting a time, which I am.

The rest of the “season” will likely include a return to American River 50 miler in May and then Rio Del Lago 100 miler in the fall. Big gulp on that one but I feel like I am ready to make the leap. In all likelihood, I will need another 50k or 50 miler in the Summer but not sure yet what that might be (possibly Headlands 50k, solely because it’s literally in my backyard).

Oh and then I am hoping to wrap 2019 with a “fun run” at California International Marathon. My friend Nick, Wiley and I ran this 10 years ago, and my man Nick is going through a bit of a hard time right now with the big C. If he’s recovered by then – a big if – I’d love to run CIM hand in hand with him not for time, but as a big F you to the C. We will see on that one but in the meantime, I’d like to ask you all to send good vibes to my boy Nick, who’s a very good dude.