2020 Race Schedule

After much consideration, my 2020 race schedule looks like the following:

  • February, Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon
  • March, Los Angeles Marathon

And that is it.

I likely will do a fall marathon (Chicago? back to Portland? NYC?!) though I can be convinced otherwise. These marathons are getting a bit tiring, both physically and mentally.

Beyond that, nothing else has really captured my attention.

I’d like to do something – different – in the spirit of Rim to Rim to Rim, which could be a possibility. An adventure in a beautiful place! Or am I just dreaming ?
Anyway; any suggestions? I am open to anything and everything.

Running while Traveling

This is post that I wrote on Instagram that I thought might be worth sharing here as well.

Someone asked me the other day what running gear I carry with me when traveling. Good question. If you’re reading this you probably know that I travel a TON for business. And that I run every day. As I ALWAYS travel with a carry on, I am very intentional in terms of my gear. My two requirements are that it has to be high quality/durable and lightweight. Trust me when I say that I put a ton of research into all of my gear.

So that all said, here is what I take with my on like 99 percent of my trips, in no particular order.

1. A nice pair of black Nike running shoes. These are great as they can also be worn to the office on a casual day, are great for getting around the airport, etc.

2. Two watches: Apple Watch with cellular and Garmin 945. I know I know. But they serve two different purposes. The Apple is primarily for music and text and phone calls and the #garmin is for running. The Garmin has great battery life too, which comes in handy while traveling.

3. #gopro hero8. My GoPro goes with me everywhere. It’s light weight and takes amazing pictures and videos. The ultimate adventure camera and obviously portable as hell too.

4. #jaybird Vista’s. I guess I have to disclose that they are a client but regardless they absolutely rock. Ask anyone in my office – I never shut up about them. Built for running but just as good for day to day as well.

5. #arcteryx Norvan Sl rain jacket. I carry it everywhere during the rainy season and less so during warm weather months. This jacket weighs 4.2 ounces! And fits in the palm of your hands. In addition to being an amazing rain jacket it can be worn as a wind breaker, on the plane or even to and from the office.

6. #petzl Bindi. I’m a headlamp geek; I use one almost every day in some capacity. This little sucker weights less than the rain jacket and throws 200 lumens to boot. Great for after work runs (like tonight) and always gets thrown in my bag.

7. #ciele running cap. Packs completely flat and stylish too for regular day to day wear.

8. Last but not least, #nakedrunningband. You need something to carry all of this gear! Slips around the waist and barely noticeable. And a good Naked Running Band hack: it’s a great “hidden” way to carry a passport and cash, especially when traveling internationally.

LA Marathon, Here We Come

My resolution, were I to have one, is to write a bit more consistently on this here blog. So, for whoever is left you reading these words, consider yourself forewarned.

So, I did something stupid: I signed up for the LA marathon. My rationale was twofold: one, it’s the last big marathon in the US that I haven’t done, and it’s pretty much her win my backyard and two, I still don’t feel like I have run a proper marathon. It’s been a bit quixotic but I am not going to do these road marathons forever (they are too hard. And tiring on the body) but before I give up the ghost I still want to see if I can run one within the manner in which I think I am capable.

So, I am off and training again. And I must confess though it’s hard, I do like the training. Thus far I am experiencing only one issue: the ankle I twisted during North Face 50k. Not only has it not healed up (not that I have given it much opportunity to do so) but if anything, it might be getting worse. I’m doing everything I can to get it better short of not running, because, well, that isn’t a great option. So, we will see. But in the interim, that’s the next big goal with race day coming up soon in early March. I think I will likely do one half marathon in advance. After LA marathon – I am not really sure. I haven’t “calendared” anything beyond that, though I am open to any and all thinking.